The most important things to consider are:
1) What kinds of cloth diapers are there?
2) How do you wash them?
3) What are you saving by doing cloth diapers?
*Pocket Diapers - these are outer covers that you insert a liner into.
*All-in-Ones (AIO) - which means there is no's all one piece, just like a disposable diaper, but cloth.
*Old School Pre-folds - ah yes, you remember these. They pin on the sides and you cover them with plastic underwear otherwise known as "plastic pants".
(Some diapers come in One Size Fits All, and others you buy in XS, S, M, L sizes. That's what I have. I prefer the different sizes even though I spent more money because the others are very bulky when your baby is smaller. They use snaps to pleat the material, thus making the diaper smaller. But all the material is still there that's needed to diaper a 2 year old. Also, you end up buying inserts of all different sizes anyway.)

You'll need about 12 diapers if you're going to do laundry every day at the same time. If you're like me, you'll need 20 so you can forget about them. My diapers were about $15 per diaper. And I have 12-20 diapers in each size; S, M, and L. So all in all, they cost about $750. I have spent $20 on rice paper, and $30 on spray. So, the grand total is about: $800. I have used these for 2 kids, and plan to use them on any future kids. Disposable diapers cost about $60-80 a month. It would take you roughly a year to spend $800 on disposable diapers...for one kid. So, unless you're planning on potty training your only child at 12months of age, even the fanciest of cloth diapers will be cheaper. Our water and electric bills cost us around $10 more a month (but that's including just having another member of the family's clothing, burp cloths, sheets, towels..etc to wash). Even with that cost, now it would take you 16 months of disposables to equal your cost of cloth ones. Not to mention you'll probably have to pay for a bigger trash can (added expense) and they stink worse. Oh, and yeah, yeah...the environment stuff too.
So, happy cloth diapering. I promise I'm a normal person...not a hippie...I shave my armpits. :) You will love it, and your baby's bum will too.
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